
Adaptron Test Run-1  18th Nov, 2004

This is test case #11 at the point where it should be collapsing the actions into a heirarchy. It will collapse R-Habit #2  24 –25  when it gets the next input of R because it will recognize the resulting stimulus. But as LTM shows it could have already collapsed the action before receiving the R stimulus. So at location 26 the output could be a 23 instead of the current 19. Combining actions should not have to wait for completion (resulting stimulus) of the R-Habit. Thus SaveRHabit routine could be done at output time rather than HabitMatch routine time.

The same applies here. At this point the output at 23 should be a 19 instead of the b. This should be caught when an R-Habit is started at Trace location 15 (T15).