
Adaptron Test Run – 1 13th Nov 2011

I have implemented a conscious STM to start recognizing repeats of conscious stimuli. In this test case #7 at position 17 it has done all possible responses to the A stimulus and should make it permanent (fully explored). This would then allow it to combine A with B and start reacting to the repetition of A,B .  Conscious STM is already recognizing A,B as a repeat and it has an interest level of Uninteresting (-2). But Conscious STM is not one of the senses to attract attention. But it needs to be. However it only gets generated after the attended to stimulus has been used as a Goal Object. This is before the attended to stimulus gets used as a trigger.

And I can't have the sense/sensor STM generate what the Conscious STM does because it may be a sequence across two senses. At the same time I should be creating Actons corresponding to what is being generated in Conscious STM.