2012-04-25 #2
Adaptron Test Run – 2 - Date: 25th Apr 2012
However as this test case shows paying attention to the largest P-Habit tends to explore the largest object with all the sense / properties including the one that repeats. This means that the learning about the more general X and Y alternating is not reused when the sense that repeats starts repeating with a different value.
One solution is to determine the interest in the lower level P-Habits (novel, neutral, repeat / uninteresting) before combining them. The novel versus familiar is known immediately without reference to the previous frame. Sequential processing is needed to determine repeats / uninteresting. This would cause the repeating sense value not to be combined with alternating sense value and the alternating sense value sequence would attract attention and be explored.
Another solution might be to make the first repeat produce a neutral interest and a second repeat to produce an uninteresting stimulus. The neutral repeat may provide the window of opportunity for the formation of the combination binon.