2004-04-09 #1

Adaptron Test Run-1 9th Apr, 2004

Random sequence #2 with thinking turned off.  Still trying to fix repeated R-Habits. At this point it recognizes loop and tries a new response at 27 but goes back to responding with an a  because of 16 unlearnt. And it will not collapse the next A input because it is doing habit 28 rather than 25. Possible solutions include a separate memory for action habits so repeated action sequences (R-Habits) are not repeated, or more complicated code to recognize this situation in this memory structure, or an improved memory structure for repeated R-Habits.

If you continue it eventually recognizes the repetition and does something about it, maybe not the most efficient though. Maybe adding recognition of an internal kinesthetic and an external sense will address the issue. It will then recognize repetition of kinesthetic stimuli (I hope).