2004-03-26 #1
Adaptron Test Run-1, 26th March, 2004
Two state(A & B) environment with either of 2 responses (a or b) changing states. Tried a different strategy on processing of expected result. Not interested in practicing sequential recognition on non-permanent stimuli so all possible responses are tried reflexively before it becomes permanent. Then the final reflexive response (listen) trigger stimulus is store and becomes permanent, waiting for whatever stimulus follows. Explicitly attended to results/goals are not put in LTM upon experiencing but are combined with next stimulus(i). Then when resulting stimulus is stored the preceeding binon is updated to indicate whether it was consistent with original habit or not (a new result/goal).
Thus at 16 it started doing a 12 but when it got result 3 instead of B 16 became a new R habit and repeated in second part of 17 to get the response habit 15.