9th Feb. 1983

Short-term memory packetizes sequences of inputs (concepts) - puts handle on them.

Sequences of operations are also packetized and executed automatically unless interrupted. I.e. walking - requires eye information interrupted if reading.

Motor stored as part of short-term memory if operation thought of.

Motor performs sequence identified by handle. First time need to explicitly do the two items one after the other with intermediate cues included. When the sequence is initiated due to initial cue it is automatically executed provided additional cues arrive while attention can be paid to other senses or thoughts.

The sequence stops if cues not present. Short-term memory throwing away data resulting from automatic execution not stored in long term memory - but it does store initial cue.

Or It stores all sequences in long term memory but very unlikely to be recalled unless explicitly via next association operator because no emotion stored with them. Maybe store level of attention, concentration with data to signify importance.

Or store the original cue and all the inputs, intermediate cues, but not the operations performed.

Punishment of action in context of original cue - how is it used in recall as experience.

Reward of action in context of original cue used because at recall time increases level of attention - doing - repeating sequence of operations provided continued cues.