Adaptron Test Run – 1 - Date: 30th Dec 2009
I have a difficulty here with the creation of changes. The two frame comparison of sensory input has created binon #15 which is the sequence XA and is in LTM at location #7. Habit number 6 found it. But Habit number 3 found change binon #18 which is the sequence X/ and A which is in LTM at location 2. This was not created by the two frame comparison of sensory input. Should it have been? It comes down to the difference between sequence as experienced in LTM and change as experienced by the sensors.
Also if the two frame comparison of sensory input had not put binon #15 on the stimulus list before habit execution then binon#15 and #18 would have been in the other order on the list. This is because when S-Habits are added to the habit list the ones using the attended to object as the trigger (such as X/ instead of X) are put on the list first and complete 1st.