2011-03-05 #1
Adaptron Test Run – 1 - Date: 5th Mar 2011
I'm not sure if this should be the correct sequence of attended to stimuli. Attention is continued to be paid to the 4th sense to get the longest -,D,E,G,J,N etc. sequential stimulus. However a changes occurred on sense 3 in parallel with this sequence and did not distract it. I would expect that when the F occurs on Sense #3 the -,D,E sequence would be followed by F^G and the that followed by H^I^J and K^L^M^N. Then the sequence L^M^N,O^P^Q would attract attention. Then M^N, P^Q, R^S & N,Q,S,T and then K^O^R^T. Thus short sequences of larger P-Habit combinations have precedence in attracting attention over longer sequences of smaller P-Habit combinations.